Sunday, December 23, 2012

End is Near

No not the end of the world silly lol. I mean the end of the year is near. By the way, Sorry I haven't put a new post in a lil minute. I think the last one I did I was one nutrition or getting in shape...something. But as the year draws near I like to reflect on the ups and downs that I have experienced this year. The good the bad and the extremely ugly. As the new year approaches, I actually have optimism brewing inside of me. I for one am growing up (I'm super new to Apple) lol and I'm doing quite well with my exercising regime. i even have maintained my weight of over 100 pounds!!!

All in all I just want to say that as the new years comes and this year ends, take time to reflect. Reflect on who you are, where you are in life, where you been and where you will go. Remember to keep Jehovah first in your life and strive to live and continuing live your life in him! Be good to people and...just take care of yourself:  physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Black in Latin America

The Spanish culture has always been something that I was interested in honestly. I am intrigued by it and I love learning about Latin people and culture. So as I went through YouTube, I saw the documentary Black in Latin America. I watched the different countries that they featured in the documentary series. So enjoy these several different countries

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Skinny on Being Skinny

I have problems with being underweight. Well I once was underweight and it took me a really long time to gain it to where I am at currently. I would like to be a little bit bigger so I am going to do all I can by doing so, and in the healthy way. I know that summer is almost over and that usually people try to look great preparing for summer but hey I'm backwards lol. Actually my journey to gaining weight is year long and some may say, gain weight? but  yes! being underweight is just as an issue as it is losing weight its just that obesity is such a big deal in this country that being underweight is looked over. I have always been self conscious about how skinny I am so I really decided to put things into high gear and gain weight the right way (as right as I know how and what I can afford). So I went online, YouTube actually, and looked up some videos and Buffie the Body's videos came up. I became super motivated because she got her body by eating and exercise. So I plan on eating how she mentioned she eats and exercising so wish me luck guys!

Time to get Physical!!!

I have a goal to be more fit by my birthday which is in a little over a month! So these are some videos that I'm gonna use to help me on my journey. Maybe they will help you too! What exercises are you guys into?

Friday, July 27, 2012

Precious Premie

Recently my world was rocked a bit by the misccariage of my friend's(who i also call my cousin) baby girl.The baby was born four months premature and only lived a couple of hours. It broke my heart to see someone who I am close to go through this. Its painful to have to bury your child. And not only that, but to also know that you have to deliver a baby that you know will not survive.
It really got me thinking. Are there ways to prevent things like this from happening? That's when I looked up information from the march of dimes website. Its amazing the things that have come from research ad how they are helping to change the lives of millions. Below is the main website for March of Dimes. See how you can get involved. You may save the life of another premature infant.
 This experience really showed me how precious life is and how we truly should not take anything for granted. Be blessed
R.I.P. Ellie Alexandra ( Born & Passed Away on July 20)

Eat Mor Chikin

I for one is sick and tired of people attacking Chick-fil-A because of its views on homosexuality and marriage. People tend to  forget about our right to free speech and to go attacking this company is ridiculous. First and for most, let me just say that I am not prejudiced against homosexuals (I just went to a wedding of a friend who just happens to be gay). Do I totally agree with his lifestyle choice: no. But do i accept him for who he is: yes. I respect his life decision and I care deeply for him and will support him in any way I can.  I say all of this because I feel that people tend to just shove their beliefs on others or try not to be open minded about things. Are we gonna agree with every decision people or companies make? Nope. So why are people so upset at Chick-fil-A? They simply go by Bible standards. Don't believe me? Go to your Bible look up the following scriptures: Genesis 19, Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, and Romans 1:26&27. As you can see, the issue is talked about several times throughout the Bible. Does that mean we should hate homosexuals? No!!! We should show love and respect to everyone, whether we agree with their viewpoints or not. And the Bible do promote love so don't get it twisted. I just don't feel that its fair that people attack a Christian based organization. Besides, are people going to protest a church because it preaches against a homosexual lifestyle? No (at least I hope not).
All of this goes to show how we are truly in the last days. The following scriptures I'm about to post coincides with this situation. In the Bible, it says: Good will be called Evil and Evil will be called Good (Isaiah 5:20); the watering down of the gospel, teaching the doctrines of man rather than those of God (2 Timothy3:5, Matthew 15:9); Increase persecution of Christians (Matthew 24:9, Mark 13:9). 
Am I telling people to hate homosexuals? No!!!!!! I have a few friends who are gay and I care for them no matter what. If you really don't agree with what the company stands for, that's fine. Just don't eat there. You can agree to disagree. Remain respectful. And by the way, a mayor cannot Barr a franchise from opening a resteraunt; that is illegal actually. 

Are you guys really gonna give up on a great chicken sandwich and lemonade that they have to offer?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

6 Random Facts About Me

Omg! I cannot get enough of this stuff! its the most delicious thing I have ever tasted (My favorite is Brie)! I think my love affair began with Mac n Cheese. That is my favorite thing to eat then it just totally took off from there! Plus its a great way to get calcium in your diet so not only is it tasty, but its good for you too!
Lol this is kind of not funny but hey I'm keeping it real. Some call it being hard headed. I'm not really hard headed but sometimes, I don't want to do some things. In a way, thats good! I won't be pressured into sex unless I want to or I won't do drugs unless i want to (BTW, I don't want to do drugs)
Believe it or not, I do believe in those things. I don't but to me, they pretty much do the general things that  they say about certain signs. For example, the signs that i'm not compatible with (which I am a proud libra), I tend not to get too close to them because we will have problems. The ones that we are not compatible with seems to give us headaches
 I do believe in love. I love love. I tend to fall hopelessly in love with anyone. I don't switch up dudes every week or every year. I do tend to get my feelings hurt but you know what, I never give up! I just get back up and fall in love with the next guy hoping that he's my husband. (I'm hoping the one I'm head over heels for is my future hubby. Crossing my fingers you guys)
 I love watching movies. Its funny because I can watch any movie and alot of black people limit themselves to watching only black movies or whatever. But anyway, its funny because I always shock people when they find out about some of the movies that I watch. I guess they're impressed with my choices of film

I AM SHY I am really really shy. I'm an introverted person so I tend to keep things bottled up inside (not the healthiest thing to do btw). People tend to take it the wrong way but its just that I don't know what to say to people. I don't want to look or sound like an idiot. I guess I better work on that since i'm in school for journalism lol

Depression: You Gotta Deal With It!

My vlog of tips on how to deal with depression. Remember, depression does not go away over night. In my opinion, it can be a life long issue. It is a disease and it does not mean you are crazy. The things mentioned are not a miracle worker so keep in mind that you have to do things that work for you. Maybe being on medication works for you, for some others, that may not be necessary. Do what works for you and as always, check with your doctor! God bless you all!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Animals Have Feelings Too

Every time I watch tv, those abused animals commercials come on and I can never really watch them. Its too much for me! It honestly breaks my heart I feel so bad for them and I don't understand (nor do I want to) why people would want to harm such innocent creatures. its stated that every 10 seconds an animal is abused. Can you imagine that? And why? Why would someone abuse a helpless animal? They are precious and should be treated that way.
 In my apartment complex is this guy and he has an abused dog that he has adopted and every time i see him walking his dog, I can't help but smile. It warms my heart to see him taking care of a wounded animal, it really does. I don't know. I just wanted to say a little something about this because dogs, in particular, are special to me especially the small breeds. Please, if you know someone abusing an animal, plead with them to stop and you yourself are harming an animal, stop it! Below are some links are how you can help prevent this terrible crime from happening or of how you can help these animals.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Style Icon: Kourtney Kardashian

I used to dread going shopping or at least envy everyone who shopped at stores that had to clothes to fit their body. You see I'm 4'11. So I'm pretty short compared to most people and I used to get very frustrated when it came to shopping for clothes for me. I was really skinny at one point in time (my weight was once in the 70's) and shopping for clothes used to really make me depressed. However, over time I gained weight and I was ale to shop in the normal stores like everyone else and did not have to go to the little girls section anymore by force.
Over the past few years, a show called "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" came on the air and it pretty much changed my life. How? Because of the oldest sister Kourtney Kardashian. She's the petite fiesty one of the clan and is quite fashionable. In fact all of the sisters, even though they have different body types, are quite fashionable.When they came out with their Kardashian Kollection line at Sears, I immediately jumped for joy. Affordable Kardashian clothes! What can get any better than that? Thus far, I have bought two items but I still look to Kourtney's for style inspiration! (I actually own these shoes right here and wear them every chance I get). I can't wait to add more of this line to my collection of clothes.

 Her style is classic yet edgy, fun and flirty, all around chic look. I think every woman should feel good in what they are wearing and thanks to Kouurtney, I too feel good . Kourtney inspired me to wear alot of heels and I guess gave me hope that even though I was short, I can be cute and stylish too. A lot of people were actually starting to take notice that I was dressing better. I mean I'm 25, why should I look twelve?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Nip & Tuck

Plastic surgery, such a touchy subject. I'm not gonna lie, I'm for it. However, I don't believe that people should go overboard or get anything that looks unnatural. I was on the internet doing research on some plastic surgery procedures and I questioned if minorities were getting these procedures done. Well really, I wanted to know the percentage of minorities that these procedures done and I was amazed at what I read. Basically, back in 2006, as much as 20 percent of plastic surgery patients were minorities. It may not seem like alot but it is a significant amount and jst think, that was in 2006. Can you imagine what its like now in 2012?
     Right now there is a rivalry going on between two women in the rap game: Lil Kim and Nicki Menaj. These two women can't stand each other, yet they are alike in so many ways (although no lie I'm on Lil Kim's side. I feel like she's a better rapper. I mean lets be real). They both got colorful hair, they wear outlandish styles of clothing, and the biggest kicker: they both had plastic surgery, even though Nicki Menaj will not admit to it. I have a lot of respect for Lil Kim. She was honest with her reasoning behind her procedures: she got her heart broken and it takes a toll on her self-esteem each time. I sympathized with her. As for Nicki Menaj, I have no respect for her because she won't even admit to having anything done. Now I do believe that sometimes people grow into their bodies (i.e. Lindsay Lohan) but she is in her twenties. She been stop growing. I guess she feel like she don't have to answer to anyone but clearly she does not look natural. Both of them don't look natural, don't get me wrong. But I have an attitude towards Nicki Menaj because she feel like people don't have eyes and can't see what she look like. No one's booty should change size throughout the week, I'm just sayin.
     My thing is, don't get mad if people ask you if you got work done if you did. Own up to it and be proud of it. If it look good then it look good. Who cares what anybody thinks? I think people get more mad if you lie about something like that. If I had work done, I'll just be like "yeah and I look good. So what?". Like I said, I'm not opposed to it at all and is open to it. What yall think?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates, Right?

Last week,one of my all time favorite movies came on: "Forrest Gump". I love that movie so much and its funny because when I was younger, I didn't really give much thought to it.But now that I'm older, this movie is pretty awesome and has a deep meaning behind it. What I love about it is how Forrest was a slow guy (let's be real and call it what it is) who accomplished so much in his life, much more than the majority of us who are normal. I lagh at the movie sometimes because like he really didn't think much of situations. For example, when the black students were going to college to his college (which was formally segregated), the other white students were visibly upset. But not Forrest. When a black female student dropped her book, he politely picked it up and handed it to her.He didn't see color which makes him have more sense then those folks in the crowd! The only thing I was mad about in the movie was how that crack whore Jenny didn't pay Forrest no mind til she was dying and look what happened: she died! He didn't even get one good year with her. But I digress. He didn't even care that he was a millionaire or care about any of that other stuff that happened to him. It didn't matter to him that people thought he was strange yet he had the biggest heart ever. Even though his "best good friend" Bubba was dead, he gave Bubba's mother Bubba's share in the Bubba-Gump shrimp company. How many people do you know that will do that? This man was a war hero, ping pong star, successful business man and a very loyal dude. He's met many presidents and just think, he was a "slow" guy. And most importantly, he never gave up on love.
     And its interesting because we have so much things to worry about in this day and age that we tend to over look the little things that makes life enjoyable. Just like Forrest, we have the power to change people's lives. He did so unselfishly. He didn't look to gain recognition from people or sympathy because of his mental capacity. In fact, he never let the fact that he was slow get in the way of what he wanted. We have the tendency to give up when things get tough or seem impossible, but we must not. We must press on forward, trust in God, and go after what we want. If its meant to be then its meant to be. We just never know where our life will take us which is why I quote Forrest: "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get". Those words, although odd, hold so much truth behind it. Go out there. Grab life to the fullest! You never know where your road might take you. Even though the path is a smooth one, we will reach our destination.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Act Like....Huh?

First off, let me just say that I am happy to see that other people feel the same way that I do about Mr. Steve Harvey's book "Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man". I have to say that I do not agree with this book at all and his philosophies. Tisha, one of my friends, brought this book over to my house one day and she was all excited about it. She read to a group of us girls excerpts from the book and all I can think about was: "wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong." I totally don't believe in what this twice divorced adulterous man has to say about getting a man and keeping him happy. Obviously he wasn't happy with his faithful wife and by the way, Steve Harvey don't got the greatest reputation when it comes to women. So why would I a single girl listen to what he has to say? Do he know my situation or my life story? Hell no! And another thing, that 90 day rule is a bunch of crap! No offense but I feel like if two people agree on waiting to have sex and if they are serious about it, then of course they should wait. But if only one person wanna wait, whats to stop the other person from going somewhere else to get satisfied. I'm not saying that you should have sex with someone on the first night, but hey if you want to, then do you. I just feel like its a mutual decision. I'm pretty sure Steve Harvey wasn't thinking bout the 90 day rule when he was cheating on his wives.
It just saddens me that women feel desperate enough to follow this book on how to get a man. Like this boy said in a blog that I've read: other races of women don't need a self help book from a man. I wish I had the link to the blog but I posted it on my facebook page. I feel like this book makes us look bad and the fact that this movie was number 1 in the theaters this weekend actually saddens me. We have to do better people. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind supporting FAMU alums but I simply cannot bring myself to watch this movie. What you think world?

Monday, April 23, 2012

What is the Color of Beauty?

Today, as I was on twitter, I noticed Roland S. Martin post up his article that he wrote on being dark skinned. It spoke about being dark skinned in this country and its effect on us African Americans. (Below is a link to this article by the way). But it got me thinking, why is there such a problem with being dark skinned. It always bothered me and sometimes it still does bother me when people reference me as being dark skinned. Or when i hear the sentence: "you're pretty for a dark skinned girl", I don't know how to respond to that because: what does that mean? Dark skinned people can't be pretty? Whats up with that?! People do give more attention to those who are lighter and the ones who are lighter are more wanted. What happened to "the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice"?
     I remember when I was in the first grade, there was this girl that I was partnered with for my desk partner and I had to sit with her the entire school year. I remember seeing how pretty she was. She was light skinned, had long bone straight hair and that was really the first time I seen a black girl like this. I was so jealous and I guess for me, that's when I felt that those who were lighter skinned with long straight hair was prettier than me. I felt inferior. I dealt with issue for the longest time in my life and it was only recently did I began to accept my skin complexion.
       African Americans come in a variety of colors and we all should celebrate that. We shouldn't put each other down just because we're not the same color because at the end of the day, we're African American. Whats your opinion on the matter? I really want an answer to this because this intrigues me.