Monday, May 28, 2012

Animals Have Feelings Too

Every time I watch tv, those abused animals commercials come on and I can never really watch them. Its too much for me! It honestly breaks my heart I feel so bad for them and I don't understand (nor do I want to) why people would want to harm such innocent creatures. its stated that every 10 seconds an animal is abused. Can you imagine that? And why? Why would someone abuse a helpless animal? They are precious and should be treated that way.
 In my apartment complex is this guy and he has an abused dog that he has adopted and every time i see him walking his dog, I can't help but smile. It warms my heart to see him taking care of a wounded animal, it really does. I don't know. I just wanted to say a little something about this because dogs, in particular, are special to me especially the small breeds. Please, if you know someone abusing an animal, plead with them to stop and you yourself are harming an animal, stop it! Below are some links are how you can help prevent this terrible crime from happening or of how you can help these animals.

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