Saturday, May 5, 2012

Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolates, Right?

Last week,one of my all time favorite movies came on: "Forrest Gump". I love that movie so much and its funny because when I was younger, I didn't really give much thought to it.But now that I'm older, this movie is pretty awesome and has a deep meaning behind it. What I love about it is how Forrest was a slow guy (let's be real and call it what it is) who accomplished so much in his life, much more than the majority of us who are normal. I lagh at the movie sometimes because like he really didn't think much of situations. For example, when the black students were going to college to his college (which was formally segregated), the other white students were visibly upset. But not Forrest. When a black female student dropped her book, he politely picked it up and handed it to her.He didn't see color which makes him have more sense then those folks in the crowd! The only thing I was mad about in the movie was how that crack whore Jenny didn't pay Forrest no mind til she was dying and look what happened: she died! He didn't even get one good year with her. But I digress. He didn't even care that he was a millionaire or care about any of that other stuff that happened to him. It didn't matter to him that people thought he was strange yet he had the biggest heart ever. Even though his "best good friend" Bubba was dead, he gave Bubba's mother Bubba's share in the Bubba-Gump shrimp company. How many people do you know that will do that? This man was a war hero, ping pong star, successful business man and a very loyal dude. He's met many presidents and just think, he was a "slow" guy. And most importantly, he never gave up on love.
     And its interesting because we have so much things to worry about in this day and age that we tend to over look the little things that makes life enjoyable. Just like Forrest, we have the power to change people's lives. He did so unselfishly. He didn't look to gain recognition from people or sympathy because of his mental capacity. In fact, he never let the fact that he was slow get in the way of what he wanted. We have the tendency to give up when things get tough or seem impossible, but we must not. We must press on forward, trust in God, and go after what we want. If its meant to be then its meant to be. We just never know where our life will take us which is why I quote Forrest: "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get". Those words, although odd, hold so much truth behind it. Go out there. Grab life to the fullest! You never know where your road might take you. Even though the path is a smooth one, we will reach our destination.

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