Sunday, May 6, 2012

Nip & Tuck

Plastic surgery, such a touchy subject. I'm not gonna lie, I'm for it. However, I don't believe that people should go overboard or get anything that looks unnatural. I was on the internet doing research on some plastic surgery procedures and I questioned if minorities were getting these procedures done. Well really, I wanted to know the percentage of minorities that these procedures done and I was amazed at what I read. Basically, back in 2006, as much as 20 percent of plastic surgery patients were minorities. It may not seem like alot but it is a significant amount and jst think, that was in 2006. Can you imagine what its like now in 2012?
     Right now there is a rivalry going on between two women in the rap game: Lil Kim and Nicki Menaj. These two women can't stand each other, yet they are alike in so many ways (although no lie I'm on Lil Kim's side. I feel like she's a better rapper. I mean lets be real). They both got colorful hair, they wear outlandish styles of clothing, and the biggest kicker: they both had plastic surgery, even though Nicki Menaj will not admit to it. I have a lot of respect for Lil Kim. She was honest with her reasoning behind her procedures: she got her heart broken and it takes a toll on her self-esteem each time. I sympathized with her. As for Nicki Menaj, I have no respect for her because she won't even admit to having anything done. Now I do believe that sometimes people grow into their bodies (i.e. Lindsay Lohan) but she is in her twenties. She been stop growing. I guess she feel like she don't have to answer to anyone but clearly she does not look natural. Both of them don't look natural, don't get me wrong. But I have an attitude towards Nicki Menaj because she feel like people don't have eyes and can't see what she look like. No one's booty should change size throughout the week, I'm just sayin.
     My thing is, don't get mad if people ask you if you got work done if you did. Own up to it and be proud of it. If it look good then it look good. Who cares what anybody thinks? I think people get more mad if you lie about something like that. If I had work done, I'll just be like "yeah and I look good. So what?". Like I said, I'm not opposed to it at all and is open to it. What yall think?

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