Wednesday, June 6, 2012

6 Random Facts About Me

Omg! I cannot get enough of this stuff! its the most delicious thing I have ever tasted (My favorite is Brie)! I think my love affair began with Mac n Cheese. That is my favorite thing to eat then it just totally took off from there! Plus its a great way to get calcium in your diet so not only is it tasty, but its good for you too!
Lol this is kind of not funny but hey I'm keeping it real. Some call it being hard headed. I'm not really hard headed but sometimes, I don't want to do some things. In a way, thats good! I won't be pressured into sex unless I want to or I won't do drugs unless i want to (BTW, I don't want to do drugs)
Believe it or not, I do believe in those things. I don't but to me, they pretty much do the general things that  they say about certain signs. For example, the signs that i'm not compatible with (which I am a proud libra), I tend not to get too close to them because we will have problems. The ones that we are not compatible with seems to give us headaches
 I do believe in love. I love love. I tend to fall hopelessly in love with anyone. I don't switch up dudes every week or every year. I do tend to get my feelings hurt but you know what, I never give up! I just get back up and fall in love with the next guy hoping that he's my husband. (I'm hoping the one I'm head over heels for is my future hubby. Crossing my fingers you guys)
 I love watching movies. Its funny because I can watch any movie and alot of black people limit themselves to watching only black movies or whatever. But anyway, its funny because I always shock people when they find out about some of the movies that I watch. I guess they're impressed with my choices of film

I AM SHY I am really really shy. I'm an introverted person so I tend to keep things bottled up inside (not the healthiest thing to do btw). People tend to take it the wrong way but its just that I don't know what to say to people. I don't want to look or sound like an idiot. I guess I better work on that since i'm in school for journalism lol

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