Friday, July 27, 2012

Eat Mor Chikin

I for one is sick and tired of people attacking Chick-fil-A because of its views on homosexuality and marriage. People tend to  forget about our right to free speech and to go attacking this company is ridiculous. First and for most, let me just say that I am not prejudiced against homosexuals (I just went to a wedding of a friend who just happens to be gay). Do I totally agree with his lifestyle choice: no. But do i accept him for who he is: yes. I respect his life decision and I care deeply for him and will support him in any way I can.  I say all of this because I feel that people tend to just shove their beliefs on others or try not to be open minded about things. Are we gonna agree with every decision people or companies make? Nope. So why are people so upset at Chick-fil-A? They simply go by Bible standards. Don't believe me? Go to your Bible look up the following scriptures: Genesis 19, Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, and Romans 1:26&27. As you can see, the issue is talked about several times throughout the Bible. Does that mean we should hate homosexuals? No!!! We should show love and respect to everyone, whether we agree with their viewpoints or not. And the Bible do promote love so don't get it twisted. I just don't feel that its fair that people attack a Christian based organization. Besides, are people going to protest a church because it preaches against a homosexual lifestyle? No (at least I hope not).
All of this goes to show how we are truly in the last days. The following scriptures I'm about to post coincides with this situation. In the Bible, it says: Good will be called Evil and Evil will be called Good (Isaiah 5:20); the watering down of the gospel, teaching the doctrines of man rather than those of God (2 Timothy3:5, Matthew 15:9); Increase persecution of Christians (Matthew 24:9, Mark 13:9). 
Am I telling people to hate homosexuals? No!!!!!! I have a few friends who are gay and I care for them no matter what. If you really don't agree with what the company stands for, that's fine. Just don't eat there. You can agree to disagree. Remain respectful. And by the way, a mayor cannot Barr a franchise from opening a resteraunt; that is illegal actually. 

Are you guys really gonna give up on a great chicken sandwich and lemonade that they have to offer?

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