Friday, July 27, 2012

Precious Premie

Recently my world was rocked a bit by the misccariage of my friend's(who i also call my cousin) baby girl.The baby was born four months premature and only lived a couple of hours. It broke my heart to see someone who I am close to go through this. Its painful to have to bury your child. And not only that, but to also know that you have to deliver a baby that you know will not survive.
It really got me thinking. Are there ways to prevent things like this from happening? That's when I looked up information from the march of dimes website. Its amazing the things that have come from research ad how they are helping to change the lives of millions. Below is the main website for March of Dimes. See how you can get involved. You may save the life of another premature infant.
 This experience really showed me how precious life is and how we truly should not take anything for granted. Be blessed
R.I.P. Ellie Alexandra ( Born & Passed Away on July 20)

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