Sunday, December 23, 2012

End is Near

No not the end of the world silly lol. I mean the end of the year is near. By the way, Sorry I haven't put a new post in a lil minute. I think the last one I did I was one nutrition or getting in shape...something. But as the year draws near I like to reflect on the ups and downs that I have experienced this year. The good the bad and the extremely ugly. As the new year approaches, I actually have optimism brewing inside of me. I for one am growing up (I'm super new to Apple) lol and I'm doing quite well with my exercising regime. i even have maintained my weight of over 100 pounds!!!

All in all I just want to say that as the new years comes and this year ends, take time to reflect. Reflect on who you are, where you are in life, where you been and where you will go. Remember to keep Jehovah first in your life and strive to live and continuing live your life in him! Be good to people and...just take care of yourself:  physically, mentally, and spiritually.

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