Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New You

So True

I never really understood the whole new years resolution thing. I mean i know people make them only to never really do them. I honestly don't believe in making them. Some of the things that I would like to accomplish are some things that I already have been implementing. Like for example, my weight, I got my weight up so i actually made that goal before the new year (I weigh 104 lbs now my goal is to get toned so i can be fine lol), i got a new computer (thank God). The things I really wanna do is get my license, work on finishing school, loosen up, and join a particular greek organization (not gonna spill the beans on which one). Hopefully I can do them all this year. If not, I will try not to beat myself up over it.  Again, these are not resolutions, these are just things to better myself with. Oh and the most important one: get a better relationship with Jehovah. Without him, nothing will be possible. I have a lot of hope for this yearend maybe you do too.

Gotta Get My Body Right

Gotta Learn To Chill Out Yo
I Believe In God I'ma Drive One Of These...Or At least A Car

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