Monday, November 9, 2015

90 Miles...To Freedom?

Okay so recently, the U.S. had made the decision to re-establish relations with Cuba and personally, I am against it. It is true that Cuba has free education and free health care for its residents, but I don't think its fair to reward a government where doctors make $40 a month and where people are given food that typically lasts them like two weeks! (not exact but it's a close approximate). The process to own a car is nearly impossible (an average car can cost $46,000 when your average monthly wage is $20). The government even controls what is seen on TV.  If you are arrested and persecuted, the lawyer provided for you works for the government and if you commit a crime "against" the government, what type of fair trail do you think you would receive? The only employer in Cuba is the Cuban government. Protesters, such as the ladies in white, fights for civil rights of the Cuban people. Since 2013, more than 1 million Cubans migrated to America! There are countless news stories of cuban escaping to America due to the wet foot dry foot policy, which gives Cubans the right to stay in America as long as they reach U.S. soil. if they are caught escaping from Cuba before hitting U.S. soil, then they are sent back to their country (check out the story that WSVN channel 7 news just recently reported:
Protestor in Miami, Fl

A New Perspective

However, ever since Local 10 (a news channel in south Florida) started doing a special report on life in Cuba, I have been really excited. The special report, given by journalist Hatzel Vela, gives us viewers a chance to see what daily life is like on the island. On the news site there are pictures, news reports, clips that gives us a glimpse at Cubans' daily lives, and even an interactive map that shows you the exact province that you are learning about.

 Cubans truly have a rich life. They may not be financially rich, but they have a rich and deep culture and history. They believe in family and in God (in the early 90's, it became legal to be a Catholic). In fact recently, Pope Francis made a visit to the country, where he visited various parts of the country and spoke with church goers and children and he's even met with Raul Castro.

To help earn extra income, Cubans rent out their homes, Casas Particulares, to tourist to stay in during their stay (for about $30 a night, they drive around in their private cars to use them as taxis called Almendrons, and they have turned their own private kitchens into restraints called Paladares (sometimes using no electricity). They must learn to make due with what they have.

A snapshot of the Carnival of Santiago de Cuba

A snapshot of Cuba, Protests, and a couple of Cuban singers

Pope Francis (along with Raul Castro) visiting with young children

Cars that are sometimes used as Taxis 

A busy street in Cuba

The Queen of Salsa, Celia Cruz

Children playing on the street in Cuba

Heated Protest in Miami against normalizing Cuban-American relations

Popular Cuban singer Gloria Estefan

The Ladies in White Protesting

Honestly, the special report has made me want to visit the country one day (of course I will travel by Cuban taxi and stay in the home of a Cuban to support them, not the government). It has made me understand just how much the need is there for Cubans to have more access to the luxuries we enjoy here in America. If normalizing relations with Cuba is truly to benefit the Cuban people but if not, then I am still against it.

If you would like to look at the interactive map or get a peek at what life is like on the island, check out the link below:

If you are interested in traveling to Cuba, then you can check out these sites:

Thursday, August 6, 2015

AVON Back to School Sale!!

Back to School Sale
You are invited to My exclusive Back to School Sale from Now until Sept 5th!
All Pencils (Lip, Eye or Brow)…Buy 2, Get 1 FREE!  
Erasers (Foundations, Powders & ALL Anti-Aging Products)…Buy 1, Get a FREE Concealer Stick!  
Paints (Nail, Cheek & Eye Colors)…Buy 2, Get 1 FREE!    
Crayons (Lipsticks)…Buy 2, Get 1 FREE!    
Backpacks and Carrying Cases: Purchase any Handbag or Tote Bag get a FREE hand cream!  
After Gym Class: Hit the showers with the NATURALS Body Line! Purchase a full set (Shower Gel, Body Lotion and Body Spray) and get a FREE Shampoo!  
All Hair care Items…10% off  
All Fragrance Items (Women & Men)...10% off  

There are also other great sales going on right now! Visit my store for this deal and other great items available for purchasing!

Monday, July 13, 2015


Hello world. So guess what. I finally got it together and decided to write a new post. This post won't be long (don't worry). Honestly, a lot has been going on with me and it was too much for me to deal with. My mind became cluttered and I couldn't focus on my first love: writing. Don't get me wrong.I was actually starting to work more on my novel. But I couldn't bring myself to write a blog. I didn't know what to say.
I wanted to revamp my blog. So I thought long and hard on how I would achieve this. So whats a girl to do? I went to pintrest. I looked at all the blogging tips I can find (I'm still learning more). I read other blogs to get ideas. Still, however, I didn't write anything! I wanted to make sure my new blog would be perfect. I wanted to make sure it reaches people the way I want it to. I thought long and hard and decided to keep my first baby: this blog.
So what will I post here? Product reviews, some ads for AVON, recipes,awareness, health related blogs, etc. This one will be more like a lifestyle blog sort of speak. My other one will be more motivational. I will feature words of wisdoms, lessons that I learned, and I may even do a profile or two on people in the south Florida community or you know people in general who are doing some positive things in the community. I want it to be a sort of place where you can get a clear mind and find clarity. So come along with me on my new journey. I promise this will be a great ride. Love y'all lots!!!!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Moda Vox Box

Well folks here is a product review blog! So I tried to ModaVoxBox from Influenster and let me tell you, each time I get a box from them it gets better and better! So the different products that they had in the box was some Resource spring water, Swiss Miss, Rimmel Scandaleyes Mascara, Moisture Renewal Lipstick and clear Liner, some puffs soft pack, Hair Food, and some Jergons lotion. I loved all the products!
So the first product I want to tell you about is the Resource Spring Water. Normally, I hate spring water. Its already difficult for me to drink water regularly anyway and spring water? Yeah right! But anyway I went ahead and tried it and let me tell you. It was really good!!! It has some extra in it like electrolytes and some other stuff. Maybe it helped with the taste but if it did, good cause like I said, I normally hate the way spring water taste. I prefer purified water more and this water reminded me of purified water. So I most definitely recommend this water!!! Go get it. And that's another thing. I have no idea where to pick this water up from. If anyone can help with that it would be greatly appreciated.
The swiss miss was, meh. I mean it wasn't gross or anything but it was just the same stuff I grew up on. It was good as always, so it wasn't much to it. I did notice that it had a little bit more chocolate flavor to it but thats it! So yeah, go get this too. Especially in this cold weather! Find someone to snuggle up with and get some hot cocoa!

I was quite shocked at these Rimmel products. I never use this stuff. Normally, I am a Maybelline girl and I may once or twice grab a Cover Girl product but I have never in my life thought I would try Rimmel products. I very much enjoyed them! The first thing I tried was the mascara. I love mascara so I was very excited when I saw how my lashes looked. They were really curled! So I was satisfied with this product. The next two products I tried was the lip liner and the lipstick which was in Berry Rose. I wasn't sure if I was using it right so that was a downer of it because the liner was clear! I was nervous that the color wouldn't go with my skin tone but surprisingly it did! The color went on smooth and it was shiny (atleast when I smiled it was). You can find these products at any store that you shop in!
I love Puffs products! It feels oh so good on my nose and when I was sick, it felt so good to wipe. No lie I enjoyed it. Puffs are like the best tissues like ever!!!!! The only new thing I noticed with this product obviously was the packaging, which makes it super portable and more convenient to tote around. Buy this!!! Especially since its the cold and flu season, I suggest stocking up on these bad boys! Trust me. You won't be sorry.You can find these in any store as well!!!
Another product I liked was this Jargons. Its small so its convinent to carry around. I'm not sure if it was because it was a sample or not but anyway, I like it. Its super silky and smooth. It feels really good on my skin. I like it and its great because in the cold weather, I tend to get a little ashy. Normally I use Shea Butter when I step out the shower, But this is pretty handy to have when I'm out on the go! So yes, go get this product.
Finally, I tried the Hair Food conditioner. It smelled good so thats a good thing and it made my hair feel good too. But let me say this: I left the product on for like 30-45 minutes and I sat under a heat cap. I didn't use it the "normal" way so I'm not sure if that had anything to do with it. If anything, feel free to try it that way lol. It worked! Now I know for sure that I saw this at like Target. It maybe at Walmart so you can look at those two stores for the product.

Saturday, December 20, 2014


I'm not sure what I'm doing writing this. Honestly I don't but maybe it will help someone out there with this same issue. Its about: suicide. Committing suicide or thinking about it, this is what this post is about I guess. Um... I guess I should share my story then. Well, 2014...i was a bit unhappy with the way there were going. First of all, on new years day, i was hella depressed. I drank every alcohol I can get my hands on...I didn't want to feel anything at all. I was alone with no man and unhappy with where I was in life. I was in a job I wasn't really enjoying and working for a company that didn't care to pay its workers a fair or liveable amount. So I was depressed because of my lack of funds, I was just starting to go back to school (classes would start that next week but notice how old I am), and I had a pretty much nonexistent love life. So of course, bringing in the new year seemed like a sucky idea. Time moved along and...I was still sad. I had a situation that happened to me in my nonexistent love life that totally caused me to shut down. Something within me totally snapped. Like...I really was hoping and praying that somebody would come and like kill me. i was really low and it was some dark days.  I felt ugly and unlovable and...I just hated my life. It got really bad in the summer. I was just going through the motions of life. I didn't shower. I didn't brush my teeth. I didn't really eat that much. and I was either really sleepy or just couldn't sleep at all. My hair was a mess. I wanted my life to end really. All I did was literally go to work and go to school. That was it. Nothing really fun. Nothing at all. Then I lost my job and again...I was just sad. So I was jobless and loveless.
Then I got a job in the education field which is what I wanted but I didn't start until the beginning of September. I had no money since like July so yes again, I was unhappy. I was broke and loveless. So time moves along again and literally by the end of October, I WAS OVER LIFE. I was over it. And prior to that I always thought about suicide but I never acted on it. I just always used to just think about it. So anyway, in October I turned 28 and I was single and broke. Yeah I'm working but like the checks that I Like no one can sustain themselves on what I get paid. So I was feeling pressure from being broke and also from being alone and lonely. Like by 28 I should've had atleast one boyfriend in my life and i didn't. It truly sucked and my crush totally thinks I'm crazy and I thought he had a girlfriend or somebody that he was talking to and I said "F**k it" and thats when I decided to just end it all. I figured that I will always be broke and I will never get married or have babies or have a relationship so whats the point? So it was FAMU homecoming weekend and it was a Sunday and I made my peace with it. I kinda just...went through the day and wasn't really smiling at all or eating. I felt kind of out of it. So that night when I got home from an event, I took like 1 whole prescription sleep med and like 6 over the counter sleeping pills. The prescription sleep pill was really strong, especially for my small frame so I just knew that that combo would totally take me out...It didn't work!!!! I tried to overdose and it didn't work!!!! So I thought, oh great.
So I guess it was a purpose in it not working...I don't know but...I guess I gotta see how things work out now. Its close to the new year so hopefully 2015 will be better but 2014 pretty much sucked. Don't get me wrong, I am nowhere near where I used to be like even last year but I'm not where I want to be just yet. Its a struggle everyday and...I don't know. Hopefully my story helps.

But below are some things you want to watch out for if you or someone you know have thoughts or attempted suicide:

  • Hopelessness: feeling like things are bad and won't get any better
  • Hating oneself, feeling guilty or ashamed
  • Talking or writing about death or destruction
  • Recklessness: doing risky or dangerous things
  • Personality: behaving like a different person, becoming withdrawn, tired all the time, not caring about anything, or becoming more talkative or outgoing
  • Losing interest in friends, hobbies, and appearance or activities or in sports previously enjoyed
  • Suicide attempts like overdosing, wrist cutting
  • Plans like giving away favorite things, studying about ways to die, obtaining a weapon or a stash of pills: the risk is very high if a person has a plan & the way to do it
  • Changes in life that feel overwhelming
  • Recent loss through death, divorce, or separation; the breakup of a relationship; losing an opportunity or a dream; losing self-esteem
This list is not like a definite like...list of if you see this then this is what it means. Its more factors that go into it but this list is some of not all of the warning signs you look for. Getting help is key and...I guess getting on meds is pretty important. But overall, getting help. knowing who to turn to or where to go. I have a suicide prevention hotline number that you or someone you know can utilize.  And that number is 1-800-273-8255 or you can go to

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Shake Ups

For some time, I have been feeling very quite blah. I was in a job that I was fed up with and my love life is (and still is) in the craper and my physical health was not great. I was very unhappy with how my life was at the time and I was just fed up. Then one day, something magical happened. Okay it wasn't magic but it felt like a breath of fresh air. While I was on Instagram, I saw some post from Adrienne Bosh (NBA star Chris Bosh's wife) and it was a book. The book was really pretty (sparkly and pink) and I thought to myself, "that's a cute book" but I kept scrolling down my timeline. Then she started posted quotes from the book and I was finding all of the quotes that she posted can be applied to my life some way and some how. So I followed the author and that was that.
 So one day, the 4th of July, the author, Cara Alwill Leyba, said she was giving away the kindle version of her book The Champagne Diet. I quickly added the app on my tablet and got the book. I loved it! I was reading it at any moment that I could. At work, at night, when I was out and about, anywhere. The book wasn't long at all, which made it even more enjoyable. Anyway, I took to heart some of the things she spoke about in the book and after I finished reading the book, I had a new outlook on life.
On July 17th, the unthinkable happened: I lost my job. I was somewhat crushed but then again, I wasn't. I was crushed because I had bills to pay and I couldn't afford to be without a job. I also, however, felt relieved. I honestly did not like my job. I couldn't really relate with the nurses there, I couldn't stand my boss, the hours conflicted with my school schedule, I was just unhappy there. Plus the company did not pay enough nor did I feel like a valued employee. So yes a part of me was relieved. Instead of going home and crying and getting drunk, I simply paid my light bill, made a money order for next month's rent and saved some money for a couple of my bills.  I bout a nice healthy dinner and that was that. Now I'm not gonna lie, at times I wanted to break down and cry dimly because I didn't have any money. It just wasn't fair.
I kept thinking about the things that I read in The Champagne Diet and I felt myself picking up the pieces. I also bought her other book Sparkle which also kept me encouraged through my journey.  It was like something finally clicked in my head. There were, however, times when i questioned God's purpose in all of this. I went on so many interviews that ended in me not getting hired that I was thinking of giving up. However, I thought to myself, maybe this is a good thing, and it was.
I recently got offered a job at a school, which is wanted, and I couldn't be happier. I know that all jobs are not gonna be all fun and games but...its in my career field plus I'll be making more money than I did at my previous job. And its right around the corner from my house! This was such a blessing to me!
Anyway, I say all this to say that its okay when life gives you shakeups, its okay. Shakeups are not a bad thing. Maybe its to humble you. Maybe its to strengthen you. Maybe its to test your faith. Or maybe its used as a promotion. Everything happens for a reason and its up to use not to lose ourselves at that moment.  We must trust in God that everything will work out. Its scary when life throws you a curb ball. Its all about revamping the way you think and the way you do things. My life isn't perfect, but as I said, I got a better job while I'm in school, I'm working out more and drinking soda a lot less,  started reading for enjoyment, and I'm blogging again (I'm trying to do better. I promise). I believe that one day God will bless me with a man (a girl got dreams) and everything will be as it should be.

BTW if you're interested in checking out her books, check them out on Amazon or you can go to her website, which is her name. Her blog is called ironically: The Champagne Diet. Or simply click the links on this blog.    and


Monday, August 11, 2014

Ahh...To Be Young and In Love....It Sucks!

I'll be 28 this year (yikes) and my luck with love has just been so sad. I have had nothing but lows and very few highs. First of all, let me make this clear: I have never in my life had a boyfriend. There I said it. An you know what? It sucks. I'm such a hopeless romantic and I love love and the idea of being of love but yet, I'm unlucky with love. I'm always the one being the third wheel. The one thats always sad. I'm always the one chasing after someone who don't want me. I have such a huge desire to just settle down and want a family that I just....It sucks.        

Not gonna lie. I have a type: Latino, a bit younger than me, and good looking. I know, its horrible. Before, i preferred mixed guys or those that were light skinned but I totally give up on the Black male race to be honest. Especially with this new generation, they are a mess and I simply don't have time for it. With that being said,  I have opted for an interracial relationship. I mean, deep down I have always since like high school had a desire for all things Latin.Its so true. Like I loved Selena and Reegaeton and Spanish music...I loved it all. The culture is so rich (like ours). Its really interesting to me. Not trying to be a stan (stalker fan) or anything, but I love it. I'm not sure why but I just have a love for it. Any who you can guess the first problem with finding my type: location. Im in school in Tallahassee. Most hispanic guys are either down south or in Orlando. Now I'm not saying that there are no hispanics at all up here, just not a good amount and I definitely do not see any around me and the people I hang with.  Can't really do too much about because I'm in school and I'm up here so until i graduate, this is what I must endure. Also, my funds are very very much limited so I can't really make that 7 hr drive home to Miami, which also sucks. So thats my first real issue. My next issue is that since they're not really that many Latinos up here, they don't want a long distance relationship. They see our distance as a problem. Usually when guys ask me where I go to school the usual answer is "Oh". Now that sucks too.

My next issue is that, honestly since I haven't had much experience with even talking to guys, things can get quite awkward. Its pathetic really. I say all the wrong things, encounter plenty of awkward silences, and I just don't know how to act around guys. I also have the tendency to do whatever they want and I mean that literally. Anything they want they can have, which is a big no no in itself. I don't speak my mind and who is gonna wife a doormat? So yes I fault myself. I also fault myself because I tend to go for jerks. Hot looking jerks (need I say more?). So yes another area that I fault myself.

Now here's a little timeline of my situations:

  1. (2005-2009) I fall for someone who I've known for years when I first arrived up here for school. School was not my focus and I neglect caring for myself. Depression was getting deep at this point. I went stalker mode on him and pretty much gave up on myself. He wouldn't give me the time of day. Pretty dark place to be in. No bueno
  2. (2009) I met L.L. (latin lover is what I'll call him) on Facebook. Hot Hot Hot but way younger than me. In fact he was a freshman in college. I spent one night with him and then another time he ignored me. Boy was I pissed. I mean didn't sleep with him but still I was pissed. What did I do to deserve that?
  3. (2009) Fake t.i. i met at walmart. Physically things went too far then I got ignored. Pissed? You bet! 
  4. (2009) Back to liking L.L. He is just so attractive
  5. (2010) I met someone on Facebook who was dominican. He moved down here for school and was from Jersey. He was kinda of short but he was so cute. So i hung out with him one day. Just watched a movie and then after that he kept making up excuses of why he couldn't see me. Devestated? Yes!! One day he totally just stopped talking to me.
  6. (2010-2013) I met the demon (devil really but I'll just call him demon). The biggest user, lazy, abusive person ever!!! Like he is still annoying is disrespectful. He don't care about anyone but himself. Its the truth. I been got tired of him of later on it really showed cause I stopped doing as much as I used to for him. He took advantage of anyone and anything and honestly its sad. He recently tried to get back into my life but I just treated him the same way he treated me: I was cold. So now he's not talking to me. I know he don't know any other way to go about getting what he wants but still as a grown "man", he should know better. but I digress.Needless to say, my friends and family was so happy to see him go.
  7. (2013) Back to liking my L.L. (see a pattern?). I was so into him but of course he didn't see me in that way. He only saw me something as he can get into physically (although things didn't get too physical with us. Heck barely anything had happen)
  8. (2013-2014) I go home for thanksgiving and I happen to meet l.l. (I used little l's this time cause he was little and besides it distinguishes between the two) at a bar one night. Now...I wasn't trying to meet anybody. Just wanted to enjoy an evening with my cousin and my homegirl. But hey he was cute but two issues when him physically: he was chubby and short! I know i'm short but I'm not trying to be with no short guy. But I gave him a chance anyway. My location was a big deal to him at first. Then he wouldn't talk to me unless it was sexual which honestly gets on my nerves and bothers me. I wasn't for that. Sorry but I played along. While on a visit home, I thought I'd give him a call just as somebody to chill with but nope: got ignored. This is the second time that happened to me!!! After him I totally shut down. I mean stopped caring for myself. Only got up to go to work and to go to school. That was it. I did nothing to care for myself. I shut down
  9. (2014) That leaves me to now: L.L. is back to being someone I want. I do. Things did (one time) go too far but hey I was in my feelings about l.l. and wasn't really thinking about it. Weeks later I felt angry and used. so the sadness set in. Who is gonna want me? Now though I want to try a different approach with him. I bought a couple of his clothing items that he is selling and I plan on buying more. I share on Facebook and twitter links that his company does. Trying to show him I support him. Now he says he's ready to settle down and get a girlfriend. Am I anywhere on his radar? Nope! Plus I'm out of town which totally sucks. I can't honestly wait to be done with school so that I can move back home and actually connect with someone (but I want L.L. so badly though). I would rather much be with him and I don't care the consequences. I gotta have him
So as you can see, my love life sucks. Hopefully it gets better bt so far, not so good. Go any advice or words of wisdom?