Monday, July 13, 2015


Hello world. So guess what. I finally got it together and decided to write a new post. This post won't be long (don't worry). Honestly, a lot has been going on with me and it was too much for me to deal with. My mind became cluttered and I couldn't focus on my first love: writing. Don't get me wrong.I was actually starting to work more on my novel. But I couldn't bring myself to write a blog. I didn't know what to say.
I wanted to revamp my blog. So I thought long and hard on how I would achieve this. So whats a girl to do? I went to pintrest. I looked at all the blogging tips I can find (I'm still learning more). I read other blogs to get ideas. Still, however, I didn't write anything! I wanted to make sure my new blog would be perfect. I wanted to make sure it reaches people the way I want it to. I thought long and hard and decided to keep my first baby: this blog.
So what will I post here? Product reviews, some ads for AVON, recipes,awareness, health related blogs, etc. This one will be more like a lifestyle blog sort of speak. My other one will be more motivational. I will feature words of wisdoms, lessons that I learned, and I may even do a profile or two on people in the south Florida community or you know people in general who are doing some positive things in the community. I want it to be a sort of place where you can get a clear mind and find clarity. So come along with me on my new journey. I promise this will be a great ride. Love y'all lots!!!!

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