Friday, July 12, 2013

Weighing Me Down

Okay so I purchased some pills that assisted me in putting on some weight and I must say I am one satisfied customer. The pills are called CB-1 Weight Gainers and they cost $50 a bottle. It comes with a book to educate you on how to take the pills. 

I first heard about them from Buffie the Body. She had a contest on her youtube channel in which the winner would recieve a free bottle of this product to help them gain weight. The pills help you to eat more and it slows your motabolism .  

In my opinion the pills worked because many many people told me that I have gained weight or gotten thick lol.

But what you do is take two pills atleast 30 minutes before your meal and take them three times a day. Also you must (in my and several other people's opinion) do some strength training to further assist you in your weight gain. Eat a healthy meal too but make sure it's calorie dense foods. 

I recommend this product to anyone who is trying to gain weight. You can purchase them on the company's website or just google the product. It should take two bottles to reach your goal. 

That's my review and I hope you like them :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New You

So True

I never really understood the whole new years resolution thing. I mean i know people make them only to never really do them. I honestly don't believe in making them. Some of the things that I would like to accomplish are some things that I already have been implementing. Like for example, my weight, I got my weight up so i actually made that goal before the new year (I weigh 104 lbs now my goal is to get toned so i can be fine lol), i got a new computer (thank God). The things I really wanna do is get my license, work on finishing school, loosen up, and join a particular greek organization (not gonna spill the beans on which one). Hopefully I can do them all this year. If not, I will try not to beat myself up over it.  Again, these are not resolutions, these are just things to better myself with. Oh and the most important one: get a better relationship with Jehovah. Without him, nothing will be possible. I have a lot of hope for this yearend maybe you do too.

Gotta Get My Body Right

Gotta Learn To Chill Out Yo
I Believe In God I'ma Drive One Of These...Or At least A Car