Friday, September 14, 2012

Black in Latin America

The Spanish culture has always been something that I was interested in honestly. I am intrigued by it and I love learning about Latin people and culture. So as I went through YouTube, I saw the documentary Black in Latin America. I watched the different countries that they featured in the documentary series. So enjoy these several different countries

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Skinny on Being Skinny

I have problems with being underweight. Well I once was underweight and it took me a really long time to gain it to where I am at currently. I would like to be a little bit bigger so I am going to do all I can by doing so, and in the healthy way. I know that summer is almost over and that usually people try to look great preparing for summer but hey I'm backwards lol. Actually my journey to gaining weight is year long and some may say, gain weight? but  yes! being underweight is just as an issue as it is losing weight its just that obesity is such a big deal in this country that being underweight is looked over. I have always been self conscious about how skinny I am so I really decided to put things into high gear and gain weight the right way (as right as I know how and what I can afford). So I went online, YouTube actually, and looked up some videos and Buffie the Body's videos came up. I became super motivated because she got her body by eating and exercise. So I plan on eating how she mentioned she eats and exercising so wish me luck guys!

Time to get Physical!!!

I have a goal to be more fit by my birthday which is in a little over a month! So these are some videos that I'm gonna use to help me on my journey. Maybe they will help you too! What exercises are you guys into?